This is a paid partnership written in collaboration with Arada Stoves
One of the first things I bought for our newly decorated house after we first moved in was a beautiful, contemporary wood burning stove – it was a real investment buy, a symbol of a cosy home and a marker that we had made it in the world with our first house. We don’t have the original fireplace surround, but the simple, rendered opening and pared-back finish of the stove fits with our understated, minimalist aesthetic. A year and a half later and the stove still isn’t properly fitted (remember to factor in the installation cost…) but even so, it gives a lovely, warm, welcoming ambience, especially with a few glowing candles in the evening.
Today I want to introduce you to Arada Stoves, in case you were after a similar contemporary statement. More efficient and cleaner than traditional open fires, wood burning or multi-fuel stoves are versatile designs that can fit into all manner of spaces – from the designer look of a freestanding stove in an open-plan space, to a compact stove in the corner of a small room or a classic design inserted within a fireplace. They create a cosy focal point in a space, something to gather around on a chilly evening. And with the unpredictable weather at the moment, you never know when you might need a warm fire to curl up in front of!

‘Cutting edge design meets traditional craftsmanship’
Based in the rural Devon, Arada Stoves have been producing British made wood and multi-fuel stoves for over 30 years, with a history dating back to more than 50 years ago.
Their patented Flexi fuel system offers more heat through clever design. Arada Stoves’ designs feature a unique crucible-shaped grate that helps to build a natural layer of ash, creating a better base for the fire to burn on and optimising combustion efficiency. The form of the grate is shaped to match the contours of a deep wood burning tray, allowing for more wood to be burnt, less refuelling and any unburnt fuel to be constantly fed into the gently dipped centre, giving a complete burn.
In addition, Arada Stoves’ innovative airwash system directs a stream of hot air evenly across the stove window, creating a shield between the fire and the ceramic glass, and ensuring a clean view of the warming flames.
Their contemporary iSeries heats your room further – the stove draws in colder air through the base, warming it as it travels around the back of the stove, returning the heated air back into the room through the top outlet. Clever huh?

Arada Stoves offers wood burning and multi-fuel stoves, and a small selection of gas stoves. With their Flexifuel system, Arada’s multi-fuel stoves can burn varieties of smokeless and solid fuel types as well as wood fuel. They have a cleaner burn and give off more heat than a similar volume of firewood.
The Ecoburn Plus Gas, below, has the look of a contemporary wood burning stove, but the convenience of gas heat. For ease, the temperature and flame height can be adjusted with a hand-held remote control, so you don’t even have to get up from the sofa. Built to last, the stove body has a lifetime guarantee.

The i600 Slimline Freestanding stove, below, has a minimal, slimline body, allowing for a large glass door and uninterrupted viewing slot. Available in two heights and stocked in matt black or grey, it’s a stylish, contemporary design that’s clean and simple in look. The glass supports are available in special order colours.
Giving radiant and convected heat, it burns both wood and multi-fuel and can be used in smoke control areas. Like the Ecoburn Plus it also has a lifetime guarantee.

So there we have two designs suitable for multiple settings, both fusing function and form into a contemporary design. If you’re looking for top efficiency ratings but don’t want to compromise on style, look no further. With Arada Stoves, you can get the cosy ambience of a wood fire and clean, elegant look too.

All images courtesy Arada Stoves